Survivor Resources

One of the hardest things about survivorship is that few people around you understand what it is like. You may have the best support system in the world, but facing your own mortality as a young mother has a very unique set of challenges associated with it that few can relate to. For most women, the aftermath of a life-threatening and traumatic event is a very lonely and grief filled experience... but you are NOT alone!

Survivors often have significant informational and emotional needs following discharge. This is common, and quite normal following birth trauma. There is a desire to understand what happened and connect with others. Many new mothers spend innumerable hours searching for basic support online; I know, because I was one of them. Finding a space to process and connect with other survivors is a healing recovery experience for many. This is not an exhaustive list of support organizations and groups, but it will help you get started. No Momma left behind. 


Amniotic Fluid Embolism

Blood Clots

Heart Failure (pregnancy induced)

Grief and Loss

Online Peer Led Support Groups

Postpartum Hemorrhage

Postpartum Mental Health

Preeclampsia/HELLP Syndrome


Sheehan’s Syndrome


Resources for Fathers
4 Kira 4 Moms

I will be adding more resources to this page as I come across them.  If you know of any groups or organizations that should be added, please email me at

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